How to find genuine immigration consultants in Mumbai?

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At the present moment, many people wish to move to Canada as quickly as possible. Some even take illegal means or submit fabricated documents. But what they do not realize is that this can lead to greater problems in the later stages. 

If you want your immigration should be smooth and hassle-free, the best way is to hire consultants. Because without them, you can fall into the cycle of wasting your time, money, and energy.

But with so much fraud going on, there is a fear among many immigrants of misleading. This is why it is our job here to help you identify and spot the fake ones. Only the genuine ones, can help you feel safe and secure. 

Especially in a place like Mumbai where there are so many migrants who wish to get their Canada PR eligibility checked. Only the ones who are trustworthy can help you till the end with all the documents and the process. 

Identify the genuine Canada PR consultants –   5 Ways 

  1. Check their credentials the first thing 

You cannot ignore this point while hitting immigration consultants in Mumbai. Their genuineness can be checked if they are CICC registered. The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants.

This is a regulatory body Canada-wide regulatory authority created to save consumers from reckless fraud cases. If they are CICC or even ICCRC registered you can trust them, To check you can go to their website.

a)When you go to the website you can fill in the RCIC name, their registration number, the name of the company, and their location. 

  1. b) You can even check out the IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) Representative Portal.
  1. c) Ensure they have a valid email address, not some shady one as this can lead to them being cheaters
  1. d) You can visit to be protected from fraud. Here you can check the authenticity or genuineness of the immigration consultants in Mumbai. 
  1. e) Click the details of the ICRCC agent on the link and find out whether they are present. You can even find out their status in this way. 
  1. Look at their online reviews and client testimonials

This let us tell you will clear a lot of air when you do not have a clue about the trustworthiness of the immigration consultants in Mumbai. You can search for their name on the internet and see how their reviews are. 

In client testimonials which can be in the form of written comments or even videos speak about their journey with immigration consultants. Hear them and decide for yourself whether you resonate with them. Many immigration companies put them on their social media like Instagram, Facebook, or Linkedin. 

You can even check multiple sources like Google or any other website reviews to be assured that they are the best in Canada PR eligibility. Just by being aware of their performance and success rate you can make a wise decision. 

  1. Look at their Track record from the past 

An immigration consultant cannot just sign you up without making you believe how good they are at providing quality services. This means they should have the required experience and knowledge about the latest immigration laws, regulations, and policies. 

Nationwide Visas is one such immigration consultant with over 16 years of immigration experience. They cover a wide range of visas for Canada, the UK, and Australia for instance. They should have successful cases that are complex. 

Their ability to inform you about for example the recent minimum IELTS score for Canada PR helps you know how experienced they are.  You can even look at Government websites that give lists of authorized representatives or accredited consultants. 

  1. You can look for recommendations 

This is the most local and trusted method of employing immigration consultants. You can even ask your family and friends who have an experience of moving to Canada. When you get a personal referral, this is a positive sign pointing to the genuineness of the consultant. 

Also, expatriate communities or immigrant support groups can help you with their views on them. After all, they have members who have had great immigration experience. Some of them might even warn about certain immigration thugs.

So never skip this part of the vetting process when you are searching for consultants. You can ask questions about the quality of services they have given and did they follow up. This increases your trust when you sign up with any new immigration consultants in Hyderabad. 

  1. Go to Seminars and Information Sessions 

Many well-known immigration consultants keep on conducting informational sessions, seminars, or workshops. This is done to educate prospective clients about the process.  They even inform you about stuff like the minimum IELTS score for Canada PR. 

You meet experts and can ask any questions or doubts you have regarding moving to Canada. For some people, it is their first time. When you go to them you know about the expertise, approach, and services offered by the consultant.

That is how helpful they are when it comes to immigration. You can even ask them for their contact details so you can book a consultation session with them at their office. Use this opportunity to ask questions, clarify doubts, and assess the consultant’s professionalism.


Want to move to Canada but do not know where and how to start? Let Nationwide Visas, the best immigration consultants in Mumbai be at your service. Their high approval rates and world-class services make them stand out from the crowd. When you think Immigration, think Nationwide Visas.

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